lacrystal86 Member


  • Hi ladies my name is Diane. I am 44 and live in Georgia. I have lost 54 lbs. and have 36 more to go to get to wear I wanna be (definitely not the ideal weight my doctor says I should be but a much healthier weight than where I was). I don't get to post on media a whole lot but realized I needed some support to get off this…
  • I can imagine that it is difficult to find time for yourself with two small children and a husband. Women are nurturers and we carry the burden of the family such meals, laundry. First of all never be disgusted with who you are or you never be who you want to be. Weight loss is challenging but you got start somewhere.…
  • Congratulations, job well done. You look great and I'm sure you feel great. You are an inspiration, I still have a ways to go.