

  • After a weekend out of town I am back up to 150. Its very frustrating to gain weight, but I am not suprised as we were camping and eating eggs, bacon, sloppy joes, etc and drtizzly cold rain most of the weekend prevented much hiking or walking. I debated whether or to just throw in the towel on this challenge - I hate not…
  • Was at 149.6 this morning. I vote for the 13th for measurements (going out of town next weekend), but it doesn't really matter which day.
  • Not winning this week, weight today was 150 even, this lack of weight loss is starting to get to me, mid week I was down to 148, but now have jumped back up. Food has been my weakness, we have eaten out a little more than normal this week, but I felt really good about my workouts. I guess next week is another chance. Its…
  • Weight today at 150.2 - not really great, but I know where improvements can be made, so here's to another week.
  • Finally got to get in a good workout, it always feels like I work non-stop from Tues morning to Thursday night so Fridays are always my favorite day. Intervaled my way through running a 5k and did some strength training, feeling pretty good. Trying to start working back toward a 1/2 marathon again to beat my previous time…
  • I am interested in joining as well. My wedding is a little bit later (July 16th), and would love some motivation for the 20 lbs I want to lose. Arm - 10 3/4" Smallest part of waist 30" Largest part 37" Height 5'1" Current weight 150.6 lbs Thanks.
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