coreena Member


  • Also...if anyone is interested...I'm blogging my weight loss journey on youtube: I figured this is a good way to keep me on track...if I know other people are following me in this process, I'm more likely to stick with it. And if any of you have any blogs that you'd like to…
  • We survived Day 1! Wahoo! I don't know about ya'll, but I'm sore today. I'm feeling positive, because yesterday I didn't feel deprived of anything. The meals were decent, the workouts go by fast, but she sure does work you, doesn't she? I think the thing that keeps pushing me is seeing all these hot-bodied people on the…
  • Hello All! I just started Day 1 today myself. I'm doing the kickstart--did my workout this morning, and HOLY COW, it kicked my butt, but I needed it. Cardio tonight when I get home, then dinner, and prepping meals for tomorrow. Good luck to everyone! Wahoo!