danschultz01 Member


  • I don't think he likes to take a bath... ;-)
  • Here is another article on calories burned too! http://www.livestrong.com/article/115471-calories-burned-during-bikram-yoga/ Love Bikram Yoga! -Daniel
  • Oh yes - and there is CONSTANT movement and my heart rate is extremely elevated. Remember too that this is in 105 degree heat at 40+% humidity. But it is very much a cardio more than you would expect. Try it! Here is where I practice - with info... http://www.bikramyogaannarbor.com/index.php and bikram's site has alot of…
  • Ok - I will quote my source for the calories burned. I am not a certified trainer - so maybe you know more than I do. But this is the same rate I burn at 230lb+ for swimming and running (10/mile pace). And the way I felt afterwards and the way I am losing weight I don't doubt it at all. But if you have a more accurate…
  • I have been practicing hot yoga (bikram in my case) and for a 90 minute workout I am shocked the cardio workout one gets as well as the strengthening and stretching. I am 235 lbs, I burn over 1500 calories and I notice a HUGE difference. I personally love it. And take it from a marathon runner / mma black belt. I am no…
  • Never have I been mountain climbing and I would like to!
  • I was with you and it didn't go through me. Are you cheating in this contest?!!! No fair. I want to know what you ingested!
  • The real question is do you normally have floaters or sinkers. If floaters maybe you will weigh more. But if sinkers.... You will enjoy the scale afterward like myself!