

  • So you knew what you were getting into when you moved in there, and you did it anyway? I know it's easier said than done, but maybe find a place for yourself and your family without a room-mate. Then the only messes you will be cleaning up will be your famiy's mess - much easier to deal with than having to find "polite"…
  • The important thing is that the exercise gets done - not so much when it gets done. Most people I know who do exercise on the morning, do it because it's an easy habit for them. I do have friends who get their exercise in after work on the way home, so they don't get interrupted by kids/spouses/old college barfly friends.…
  • Being half-asian, I think can maybe offer some personal insight from my own observations and my own research while I was trying to find an eating plan that would work for myself... Asians appear thin (particularly the older generations) partly due to the traditional diet - small portions of chicken/fish/pork, larger…