

  • I don't think you are going overboard at all. It sounds like you are motivated and want to be the healthiest, best you possible. It also sounds like your friend is not so motivated, or she may not truly want you to lose the weight in the first place. It sounds like you are discovering your own personal zest for life, so I…
  • Things may not be moving as fast as you would like, but at least they are moving. That is something to be happy about. Don't make the same mistake I made. Last year I topped out at 162 pounds. I was frustrated that in spite of my exercising, I was not really losing any weight. (It is because I was eating for 3--apparently…
  • It sounds like "Amy" doesn't like herself at all and the only way she can make herself feel better is by making someone else feel small (or in this case, not small--ha, ha that is a joke, no rudeness intended.). It is sad that she feels this way. But I am impressed with how you handle it. You have not sunk to her level or…
  • I have been exactly the same way, so your post really speaks to me. I, too, am trying to change that outlook--and like you, this site is helping me with that a lot! Because of the tools here, I am learning to recognize what a reasonable portion is and trying to stay within that limit. That does not mean that I always make…
  • It's also great that your husband is involved in helping you instead of sabotaging you!! Keep up the good work!!