jmedfoster Member


  • I took it a couple of summers ago, after gaining a 30lb after a surgery. My doctor said it was not something she would advise to be used long term. I took it and lost 20 lbs in no time, but I stopped losing and then gained it all back after I stopped taking it. It works, but not for long term.
  • I keep a drawer of granola bars, apples, bananas, healthy snacks. AND I took all of the change out of my desk to stop my urge to go to the soda machine. I also keep some frozen yogurt in the freezer in our office, sweets always make it easier!! TCBY has great yogurt and it is pretty light on the calories and other bad…
  • I have been on antidepressants for YEARS My dr. is great and when I feel one is not working well with my ENTIRE self, she changes it up for me. I am on a very high dosage of Zoloft and it has made me gain 10lbs this past month. That is why I have joined here to lose weight, with her suggestion. I have no energy still, but…
  • I am 28 years old and had a hysterectomy 1.5 yrs ago, for medical reasons, and I gained 30 lbs in that first month afterwards!!! I am still trying to maintain my weight due to premenopausal symptoms and medications I take. So I am there with you.:sad: