

  • I believe your net calories should be close to zero. Meaning you haven't eaten to little if you have them left over or eaten too much if you have negative net calories. Close to zero on either side isn't a bad thing. I find on the days I do a hard cardio workout and "buy back" calories sometimes i have a hard time eating…
  • i'm trying real dose weight loss formula 1, and flax oil, coq10, vitamin c and something called oral chelation to help keep my arteries cleaned out. just started the real dose. have lost 30 pounds since new years but am having trouble with the last 20 i want to get rid of as it is all at my waistl :( read about real dose…
  • Hi. I downloaded MFP after deciding it would be much easier to track my calories with my ipod than a pencil and piece of paper. This will actually be my first internet post. I read the news all the time but am not a FB person. This is my first night actually on the site not logging in on my ipod. Looking forward to…