

  • Thank you! I really need sweets in my diet. I'm dying over here already. I bought a banana this morning to eat and before eating it found out I'd blow my entire low carb day eating 1 banana. I had to give it away! lol
  • Thanks everyone for the feedback. There have been some really good snacks/meals mentioned that hadn't even crossed my mind. I'm relatively slim, but I just could afford to lose a few inches around my waist. I don't plan on going back to eating 200+ carbs a day as I was before. I love sweet tea, pastas and bread too much to…
  • That's really awesome! Congrats on your success!
  • I run in Asics, but again remember everyone has different needs when it comes to running shoes. Stay away from the cute Nike's or cute Adidas shoes. They look great, but will kill your run. Go to a running store (not just a sports store) and have them fit you for the right shoe for you. The best places will put you on a…
  • The one major thing you want to make sure you have is a an awesome pair of running shoes. Seriously running, or even not so serious runners, must have a great pair of shoes. A great pair of shoes isn't just based on the cost. You need to go to a running shoe store so they can fit you for a pair that is great for you. I…
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