vdolmstead Member


  • When my sister lost over 100 pounds on a ketogenic diet and what I was doing only lost me 15 pounds, I put myself into her hands. That was February 2017. Now, having lost 80+ pounds, I'm still at it. I used the assistance (as did she) of dietdoctor.com. They have a free trial and then a subscription fee. They provide…
  • You need not restrict yourself to 'running!" I've had a hip replacement so my orthopedist won't let me run, even if someone's chasing me. But I walk. I've done 5k, 10k, half and full marathons and training for them is intense cardio, with less stress on your limbs. Galloway has a great book on training for distance events.…
    in Stuck Comment by vdolmstead August 2017
  • Hey, joann Please turn that around, like we used to say as kids -- "I'm rubber you're glue! Everything you say bounce off me and sticks to you!" Another way of looking at it is a quote from the late Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make a fool of your without your consent." There's an unlimited substitution for the "fool"…
  • Muscle burns calories like crazy. They really aid in your over-all weight loss program. I'd wait to worry about them until you get where you're going. Chances are, as you moderate your burn, they'll behave.
  • Here's a place to find your specific answer: http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/calculate-calories-needed-during-pregnancy-1600.html :happy:
  • I need to lose another 80 or so. I'm a guy who likes to support people who make a serious effort. I need some encouragement, too. So far, since I adopted ANDI**, I'm doing fine but I'll bet there's a wall out there waiting for me to run into it. **ANDI Scoring System ANDI stands for Aggregate Nutrient Density Index.…
  • I'm a broken record but I ran into a zero progress spell that lasted a YEAR. And I log every day with over 500 consecutive days. Logging didin't do it. Eating per the plan of Dr. Joel Fuhrman did. High fiber nutritionally dense foods did the trick. I adopted ANDI style eating. I can stuff myself with satisfying foods and…
  • I was on 1600 calories a day (I'm 6'4" and was at 310) for over a year with no weight loss! It was obnoxious. I blamed it on forced inactivity due to a couple or orthopedic surgeries and an arthritic hip. Got the hop replaced and that allowed more activity with is ESSENTIAL to breaking a set point and getting below a…
  • :smile: I've been around 20 years of age for 50 years. I'm on the journey and I see the finish line, even though it's still 80 pounds away! Once before I lost a bunch of weight with the help of NutriSystem but it didn't last because losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle matter. It's not a diet. (You know that old…
  • What she has accomplished! :happy:
  • If you lost 312 pounds eating pork, I'm going to only eat pork!
  • I have faith in you and I come by it honestly. I'm fighting the same battle. Please always remember, you're human and humans are inherently not perfect. As long as you credit yourself for every success and forgive the challenges that take you the wrong way while staying on the path, you'll do just fine. Remember, happiness…
  • Believe it! Holding it in strengthens those muscles and flattens the belly. Crunches help as well, but holding it in is an exercise in itself that can be done ANYWHERE and ANY TIME.
  • I'm using the method preached by the Food Lover's Fat Loss system. Like everything in life it's not pure and unadulterated. There are good points and not so good points. But the basis is controlled intake (focusing on limiting "fast carbs," promoting slow carbs and balancing the two with protein) and exercise. Diet and…
  • My wife is trained as an RD. With few exceptions, she finds it acceptable and in concert with her training. A combination of eating healthy food and exercise while recording both seldom will find any professional who can fault the approach.
  • :happy: I'm new to the Food Lovers Fat Loss System but I'm impressed. It seems to be founded on solid body science. I'm going to continue posting here with the results.
  • Just started and I think you're right in saying it harmonizes with MFP. The missing element is the timing of snacks. If you follow the drill exactly, you're supposed to write down the time something goes into your mouth. BTW, I'm from Delaware. But I'd love to compare notes. I want to succeed at this!