miriameam Member


  • Hi, I'm Miriam. In the summer of 2012 I was 5'3" 167lbs. My doctor said I was socially acceptable, but my body was working too hard. I started using this app at that time and I am now between 131-135lbs (cause I started keeping track again about three weeks ago). Whenever I get close to the 140 mark, I just start using…
  • Hi! I've been doing this on and off as needed for three years now. So I have already hit my initial goal from back in the day. Right now I go between 131-135lbs. My short term goal is that I drop to under 130lbs, closer to 125lbs by the end of June. Long term goals is that I don't reach 140 lbs.
  • I used to eat fast food during the weekday because I honestly coulnd't image what else to eat. It was so delicious and convinient. I lived like this for about 3-4 years until I had to have a serious sit down with myself and set two goals: 1. Money: Mentally set aside $5 every day. I had the option of using it on eating out…
  • yes! most of my co-workers knew of my weight struggles and what my goals were going to be. They have been very supportive and the comments make me blush. Everything from commenting that my clothes were waaay too baggy on me to joking that they need to follow my example. i just send them the link to this website and tell…
  • I just started yesterday and i am sore! I guess it just goes to show that i really am using my leg muscles and my pecs. I am kind of dreading tonights workout because i am not sure i will be able to keep up with my sore thighs- especialy the jumping jacks. i'll keep up on my measurements and see if it works. I also took a…
  • Hi! I just started 30DS today. Did my first workout and i am sitting her still slightly tembling. I know i am going to be hurting tomorrow. My goal is to do 30 workouts by the end of the year and i am working up the courage to take a "before" picture this evening of me in a bathing suit so i can see the diffenrence at the…
  • I have to plan my meals on Sunday's, otherwise it's Taco Bell and In N Out half the time. Monday: BLT Tuesday: Chicken tacos Wednesday: Yumm Bowls (brown rice, pinto beans, Yumm Sauce, veggies) Thursday: Eating out Pizza for a football game- but i will try to walk more during the day, no soda/beer, limited toppings Friday:…