

  • I've found that since I cut out a lot of the empty sugar based carbs from my diet, I don't crave sweet stuff at all. The sweets we have in the bowl here are for the kids who trick or treat, not for me.
  • I agree with the posters here who recommend EA Active Sports. I'm on the 30 day challenge and it IS a challenge. I like the variety of exercise.
  • Alcohol - (wine, beer, cider). Any diet plan that involves giving up those is not sustainable for me. The really great thing about mfp is that it enables a lifestyle change by focusing on what you eat and making conscious decisions. I can offset the 200 calories of a pint against smaller meals in the day or more exercise.…
  • The amount of sugar in many breakfast cereals - even those that are supposedly "healthy" was a shock to me. Since starting MFP, I've only consciously cut out one foodstuff - sugar. I feel much better for it - although that could also be the better diet in general (loads of salads and veggies) and exercise.
  • I take it out of my calorie allowance for the day + exercise calories. 1 pint of beer/lager/cider = roughly 200 calories. Not eating peanuts, crisps, tapas and a kebab/burger with chips afterwards probably has more of an impact for me.
  • I think that if I was your parent, I'd be worried by the middle picture. You look very thin. You look great in the other two. And if your boyfriend is telling you to lose weight, then lose 160lbs of unattractive, useless fat by dumping him.
  • I've only been at this for two weeks but am also a bit of a beer monster. (Well, ciders, but same dog.) The MyFitnessPal app on my phone is great for helping me to save up the calories I need for my beer when I go out. Burn off 200 calories on the running machine and have fruit for breakfast and a light lunch and there's…
  • Lie panting on the floor until the black vanishes from around the edges of my vision :-) Seriously, I sit on a towel in front of the PC for 10 minutes to cool down then have a stretch and a shower. Only been on the routine for 2 weeks but it seems to be working. Haven't experienced the aches and pains I have in the past…
  • A huge difference in the photos. Well done.