promiseofpam Member


  • There is no doubt that the weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar gold mine. Part of the problem is that we all keep hoping for a magic pill to make us thin with no work or sacrifice. Obesity is such a major problem in this country. We are being sabotaged every single day with every prepared food that we buy and…
  • There will never be only one solution to solve anything. So listen and use your God-given brain to evaluate. There will always be those who don't think. I have issues with the glut of information presented, BUT we are in an information saturated time. New ideas and products are being presented to the world every minute of…
  • He, nor his guests said to stop eating vegetables. He presented the inflammation topic as very controversial. Your "friend" sounds like a hysteric.
  • He has experts who spell out how they have come to their conclusions. Some tests are documented. If the world waited for everything to be thoroughly tested and documented, nothing would ever get done. For the people who blindly jump on whatever he presents, you can't protect the world from stupidity. By the way, he is not…
  • You have a lot on your plate. Sorry your MIL is getting to you. Don't waste your time and energy being mad at her. You deserve better for yourself and your family. Take whatever wisdom is actually in her words, and throw away the rest, and let it go. Letting the words and actions of others go, when they do not apply to you…
  • What is his benefit? So should he not tell us the current scientific thought that is out there?
  • ENOUGH! A lot of doctors don't like him because he forces them to be current. He has not sold out. Obviously you don't watch him. At the beginning of this year he said on his program I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANY BRAND. I GET NO MONEY FROM ANY SUPPLEMENT OR VITAMIN COMPANY. He went on to say that if he mentioned a brand in the…