Poor nutritional choices Intake surplus to energy requirements Sedentary Lifestyles The most egregious is the genetic predisposition to obesity which hovers around 70%. Add water and stir.....
ah the olde plateau. probably conserving calories due to increase in exercise? As you replace muscle w fat weight loss seems to slow. I personally would be happier about shape loss than reading on the scale. Waist to hip ratio iMHO is way more important measure of a woman's health, go for it!!!
I don't believe that there are any bad times to eat.....HOWEVER.....what you eat is more important. Maybe high protein something. Drink water after work-out hydrate.....might curb hunger, if it does forgo the evening snack. Just thoughts on the subject. Lisa
Don"t feel bad as it is a good thing that you are here. I fell off yesterday and had 300 - 400 calories too much and voila 1 pound back....also food had salt....aaauuuggggghhhh Make it stop...tee hee Lisa
Have you ever tried Miracle Noodles? They are made of glucomannon. Zero carbs. Have that Asian noodle soup all the way.
I am at war with carbs (sugar). Dr. Atkins was almost right. Shop the meat, fresh vegetable, and (light) on the fruit aisle. Stay out of the prepared, processed foods aisle in the middle of the store. It took me about a couple of weeks to get almost completely off of the sugar train. My inspiration is my dear friend Cyn…
Hi Ruth I am from the Victoria area....good luck with your program....You CAN do it!!! lisa
wellbutrin has not hindered my weight loss.......gained most of this on Paxil......ugh. Hope this
yep, yes, I do. It is necessary component of being here. I have found that if I shop the veggie fruit and meat aisles there is so much less to worry about. smile.