happies23 Member


  • I like flavored rice cakes... chocolate, caramel, etc. There's weight watchers ice cream, popsicles, you name it. You can basically find a decent substitute for all your cravings. That way you don't feel like you are torturing yourself. Good luck!
  • I was just at the doctor and she said losing weight can help correct your cycle. Just wanted to wish you good luck!!
  • I wouldn't be too concerned. My fiance ends up with a deficit of over 1000 a few times a week. I say keep up the good work. You sound like you are very dedicated.
  • Net calories consumed for the day
  • Do you have HEB grocery stores by you? Their seafood department is fantastic and they always put suggestions on the fish and how to cook it. I tried grilling salmon, but I like baked salmon better. Check out allrecipes.com. They got great ideas. Hope you like it!... and if you have an HEB- get the catfish with the lemon…
  • No more brownies! LOL. Good luck getting back on track. We are all here with most of the same goals.
  • I swap some of my sugar for splenda (which tastes better than equal or sweet n low). Splenda is made from sugar so, it tastes more like the real deal. I found when I put sugar in my tea I was using ridiculous amounts. After weening myself, I can go with one packet of splenda for three glasses. Now, I am hearing that Truvia…
  • Wish you tons of luck! Well, I guess it isn't luck that we need... it's persistence and determination. MFP is really helping me track and pay attention to what I am doing whether it is exercise or eating stuff that is just plain bad for you. Log in daily. I feel that is was helps me the most. I also like to look at my…
  • Well said! Good luck and hope you have a great 2011!!