AshleyTaylor2017 Member


  • Thanks for all the advice. I just need to be accountable. I know I want to lose weight, and I know I need it--I just need to make it happen!!
  • Thanks for all the good advice! I am changing my goal to lose 1lb a week to up the calorie intake and see if that helps. I will also pay more attention to what kinds of foods I am eating!!
  • I try to eat well during the day...granted I've had my days. Today for breakfast I ate a grapefruit and a fiber one granola bar oats and peanut butter. For lunch I had a lean pocket chicken, cheddar, and broccoli and a grape fruit, and I just got done eating 6 saltine crackers because I'm starving and thats all I could…
  • Thanks for the support! I am actually really excited!! And knowing I have 7 months to prepare myself makes me a little more comfortable!
  • Well I am hoping that is what it's going to make me do. Now I have to go run even when I can seem to find all the excuses in the world not too:laugh:
  • lol yes there is...and now it's stuck in my head :)
  • I know, but I wish I could find the will power. I like it here. A lot of good people and support. I just get discouraged easily!!
  • back on the wagon! I finished week 3 day 1 last was a little tough since I didn't run for the last 2 weeks, but I managed to get through it!! I have been having a problem though where my calves cramp up really bad after running and it really hurts to stretch them or walk for a few minutes after I'm finished…
  • Well I fell off the wagon. I am going to try to do week 3 day one tonight when I get off work. I was on week 2 when I we'll see how it goes...may have to redo week 2. Excited to be back!!
  • I work 12 hour days as well and am trying to find the motivation most days to get to the gym. I work out down at the gym at the hospital I work at, so I keep trying to tell myself it shouldn't be that hard to go downstairs and work out for 1/2 an hour. Once I am in the gym I usually do's just the walk down there…
  • I would be interested in these as well!!
  • I figured that was what my acid reflux was from! I hate it though because it's the one fruit I don't get tired of eating, and I actually look foward to my morning and afternoon snacks because I usually have an orange. Well I guess I will cut back then!
  • i did the same thing! ate like crap the last week and i feel sooooo sick!! Glad to be back on the wagon and i think my body is too!! good luck to you!
  • Molly McButter is a butter seasoning and I love it! I put it on my air popped popcorn all the time!!
  • I use miricle whip lite which only has 15 cals a tablespoon.
  • ...well i put the c25k instructions in my calender wrong...glad I went back and looked at that. So I guess there are a couple of 10 min runs time and such before the big 20 and 25 mins runs....still I am terrified. One step at a time though...thats what i keep telling myself.
  • I have to say I am TERRIFIED of the transition from weeks 6 to week 7. I was writing them in my calender tonight and was thinking "how on earth does anyone expect me to go from running 5 mins, walk 3, run 8, walk 3 and run 5--to the next week of running 25 mins..." aaaah!!! I am really trying not to think about it as I go…
  • I'm not a big breakfast person, but usually I eat a piece of fruit. Today was weird day since I had to be at the dentist early and didn't wake up in time so I didn't manage to get breakfast this morning. My biggest problem with dinner is I work 12 hour days so I tend to eat dinner at work most of the time. Sunday I made a…
  • I did W1D2 last night! Felt great! I really didn't feel like running but once I was on the treadmill I was fine! See you Friday!
  • I ran my first offical W1D1 last night and though I was still sore from Saturday I pushed through it and made myself finsh! Usually I would just give up so I was pretty excited. The weird thing was this morning I was actually less sore than yesterday!! And I really am wanting to run again tonight but I am going to do some…
  • I guess I took the jokers out...but you could make them whatever you want! Thats the nice part about the workout!
  • well I didn't gain...but I only lost .8lbs this week :( I was hoping for more. Maybe next week!
  • I am like you! I can't weigh everyday because I will give up when I am not seeing the results! I just started making myself only weigh in once weekly. I am weighing in on Mondays since then it makes me watch what I eat on the weekends. This was my first full week of not looking at the scale and I was a little disappointed…
  • No I didn't measaure. I should have. I will have to measure so I can see if there are any changes between tomorrow and next weeks weigh in!!
  • Thanks! I feel amazing and am ready for monday!!!!!
  • Try weighing in once a week. Your weight is going to change day to day and it can get frustrating when you are looking at it everyday. It is hard because we have a scale at work and I used to weight myself in the morning and evening everyday, but I would get so upset when I would weight 2lbs more than in the morning. So I…
  • Look at the types of foods your eating! Today was much better than yesterday and even though your in the red-I usually don't worry about 100cals. Plus think of things like, how many almonds did you eat? Almonds though they are good for you are high in calories! So usually a handful is about all I can eat. Just remember…
  • I would make an appointment with your OB/GYN and have them check to make sure it's still attached. I work in the Emergency Room and we see woman all the time that have IUD's that the strings detach and they have horrible pelvic pain.
  • I would love to join! I am planning on starting on Monday January 4th. I use the gym at work and I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday so I am going to try to do my running on those days and do some strength training on my days off from running. I tried a program similar this past summer and didn't make it past the first…
  • I usually take lean pockets-they come in all sorts of flavors and are whole wheat. I had a ham,turkey and cheese one today for lunch and it had 260 cals and 500mg of sugar which isnt too bad!! And then I just paired it with a container of yogurt and water.