

  • its hard to go thru that and the way I did it was to make myself feel better by thinking ok,Im gonna show him what he is missing!!! and I figure if hes not the one for me,that means there is a man out there that is for me... so I spent my time working on me!!! thats how I got thru it,but its true,you need to go thru all…
  • I got up this morning and walked my mile!!! Im doing one goal at a time,got 2 cases of water and plan to start drinking 10 bottles a day spaced out,may not get it done on day one but I will do my best every day!!
  • you rarely see heavier people doing those and yes,it can be done but slowly!! I have a friend that is small and she cant even do them,gets out of breath fast,I work my way up when I try doing them,a few mins more every few days,as long as you are moving thats what counts!! and speaking of them,I need to get one and start…
  • hi, well today I got up and did my mile walk before it rains,and I went to wal mart and got 2 cases of water,I am going to do this!!! I start my low carb diet today,not getting dangerous with it but an going to stick with protein,veggies and some fruit(no fruit at first) I did it before and did so good on it,just want to…
    in Im new Comment by sherry009 August 2012
  • my name I Sherry,I was born in 1962,and I need to lose 60 lbs or more if possible,I really want this to work and will do all I can to make it work,haveing friends who are in the same shoes I hope will help!!
  • Hi,my name is Sherry and I just turned 50 in July,was so depressed about it and how I looked I did not celebrate that day at all,I told everyone before I didnt want anyone to remind me,it was a day I was so happy to end!! so Im thinking,what am I doing? I can at least make myself look better,and just feel as old as I…