swanny320 Member


  • No such thing as spot dieting. The only way to burn off fat in unwanted areas is to just lose weight overall. That means diet and exercise. If you don't diet to lose it, you will have great muscles surrounded by the same fat pocket. Sorry :(
  • Hey! First of all, you made the first step which is coming out here and looking for support. This place is AWESOME and you're going to find the best people out here. Everyone is so supportive. Second, it sounds like the problem is your self esteem. You keep sabotaging yourself. Do you believe you DESERVE to feel good about…
  • The best way to change behavior in others is to model it yourself. When people see how great you feel and look and how happy you are because of your diet and exercise choices they will do one of two things: 1. they will mock you, put you down, do anything they can to make YOU feel badly because seeing you being proactive…
  • REAL honey (preferably raw) on greek yogurt is the BEST! I eat it every day
  • Also, I ran as a kid. In fact, I held the 50 yard dash record for my elementary school for 10 years - hehehe (I'd like to beat up the punk who broke it)!
  • I don't listen to music for a variety of reasons. If I am outside, I enjoy listening to the sounds of birds and things like that. For safety reasons, I also want to listen for cars or in case someone is coming up behind me to do me harm. IN the gym, I don't either...mainly because I don't feel like carting an ipod around.…
  • I have a Polar FT7. I love it but I think an FT4 is just as good and it costs less. Don't get anything other than a Polar though
  • There is NOT enough Tyiptophan in the turkey at Subway to cause you to feel sleepy. In fact, that whole notion has been widely misreported. The fact is, after a HUGE thanksgiving meal, we feel sleepy because of the carb overload. It is most definitely the carbs from the bread and other items that are making you feel that…
  • I started eating clean last month. No processed foods, no sugar unless it's honey or fruit (nature's sugar, not chemically engineered from corn). I've lost 9 pounds which is a lot because I wasn't heavy to begin with (128). Eating clean is the way to go. I feel 100% better too!
  • Theorhetically, one can die from too much water. It's called water intoxication. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication HOWEVER, the amount necessary to do so would be FAR beyond anything imaginable. DRINK up...It's good for you! It flushes your system.
  • I drink 120 ounces of water a day. Trust me, the more you drink, the more you want it and the longer you can go inbetween bathroom stops. You will feel great!
  • You guys are awesome! I feel so motivated now. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I am going online now to register for the race! Woo Hoo!!!!
  • Great advice, everyone! I definitely appreciate it. I will try some different things and see what works!
  • Thanks! I will look and see what I can find.
  • Okay, I will change it so you can see sodium right now..
  • I may try a gluten free diet for a week or two and see if it resolves things. It's worth a try. Honestly, last night after I ate, my stomach swelled up and I looked like I was going to pop a baby out. It's alarming when you generally have a very flat stomach.
  • I don't eat a lot of carbs, generally. I am never anywhere CLOSE to my carb limit. I feel like there has to be more to it than just carbs.
  • Yahoo for the J H's!!!! I am going to the gym here in a bit to burn some calories so we can win this thing!
  • Bananas Greek Yogurt - plain Almonds Pork chops
  • I definely feel that way. Hell, I ran a 5K today and I am upset with myself that I didn't go to Body Pump or do some free weights. I think I could work myself into the ground and it would never feel like it's enough.
  • Hi Aleksander, I was a soda JUNKIE and drank at least 2 liters a day. It was insane and I always felt terrible. I've tried EVERYTHING to get off and honestly, my advice is this: quit cold turkey. Just don't drink it anymore and the best thing you can do to support that is to get off everything else that has sugar. I found…
  • Oh don't get me wrong, I really like it. But I wish the instructions had been better. Two pages of English and a 100 pages of 57 other languages didn't leave much room for explaining much. However, I will check out the website. I felt like my monitor was telling me I'm burning TOO many calories. If it's accurate, then I am…
    in Polar FT7 Comment by swanny320 June 2011
  • First, let me congratulate you on your accomplishments so far! I can only run a mile and a half right now...so I stand in awe of the fact you're going to run a half marathon. GO you! Just stay vigilant. Sometimes our bodies don't respond the way we think. You are probably losing inches even though the scale isn't dropping.…
  • Regardless of the fact that it's DIET, it still contains sodium and can cause you to retain water. I totally understand your need for one but honestly, water would be best. I speak as a person who used to pound 2 liters of Coke a day (not diet!).
  • I always have difficulty knowing just how heavy my weights should be when I do strength training. Do I make them so heavy that I struggle to even lift?
  • I was always a fan of the abductor/adductor machines until I read an article in a fitness magazine that said they're pointless as they don't actually simulate a muscle movement you do. The only time You'd do that move is if you were in your car and spread your legs. Instead, it suggested reverse lunges and things of that…
  • Drink TONS of water....and when I say tons, I mean, to the point that the thought of water drives you nuts. You have accumulated salt in your body and the water is drawn to it. Drink your sorrows away...with water! :)
  • I weigh myself first thing in the morning, no clothes and after using the bathroom. I do it daily because if I mess up somewhere in the week, I don't want to wait a week to figure it out. I want to know right away so I can self correct.
  • I am interested. I have the saem goal