I wonder if my S Health app is working properly. I see no way to add people to the "together" feature. Any tips?
I have had the Fitbit Flex for one week. It takes a bit of research to get it all working smoothly. And I am not even sure I have it completely down yet. I will preface this with the truth that I have NOT been back on track with my exercise for a few weeks. But I like the thing! I really like to see my sleep tracker. The…
I was on Zoloft for about nine years and certainly it caused weight gain. I wanted to stop to se who I was without it. However, I believe that the chemical adjustments that caused a change in mood somehow made me feel it was okay to eat how I was eating. It felt normal...portions, choices. Then a month ago I weaned from…
If you can hang on, keep hanging! But my thought was to ask the vendor to give you less. Someone else also said that. But it would be more fun to share it if there it someone nearby. Can you get out of the house tomorrow so you don't have to be tortured? Maybe a museum...indoors away from food smells. I wish you luck and…
My "recipe" is similar to the first one. I say "recipe" because I just eyeball it to fit the number of filets I am cooking. Wash and dry tilapia. Place filets in baking dish. Preheat oven to 400. In a small bowl (I use a glass measuring cup) combine about 1/2 cup regular mayo, 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, dash of dill…