018980 Member


  • Tea can't really count towards your water intake because it is a diuretic and doesn't hydrate you the way water does. If you are getting tired of plain water you could try adding lemon or strawberries and cucumbers it will add a little bit of flavor that might make it more tolerable. Also get a big water bottle. I have one…
  • I have been smoking off and on for the last couple years. The reason why smoking help keeps the weight off is because it is a stimulant and so you don't feel hungry and you eat less but there are other ways to feel that effect. Drinking coffee in the morning really helps me. Also exercising - when you quit and see how much…
  • Hi! My name is Alex and I am 21 I gained like 20 pounds after moving out of my home and have been struggling to lose it ever since. I have lost 8 pounds and after plateauing I started using myfitnesspal. Here are some tips that have been helping me! Exercise - this has been the hardest thing for me, what has helped keep me…