lcdreams Member


  • Jen, this sounds like a good challenge that i hope you plan on continuing in september. i have been starting to scrap again. especially since i am going to a scrapbooking weekend in november. let me know the challenges and i'll sign up for flicker. i guess that's where everyone posts their work? love what i saw you do.
  • I love zumba and take the occasional class. I'm not good at dancing - can't remember steps - but zumba moves combined with the music lifts your spirits. I come out of a class feeling mentally cleared and happy. Then you can go do your heavy workout. Have fun on these gloomy winter days!
  • this sounds like fun. i found some great quotes. i need to scrap my grandsons baptism page - so i'll do this also. i'll try to be creative...
  • so far so good. this am i stopped at food store before going to the gym and i didn't buy any snacks! i was going to stop and get lottery tix after gym but didn't because i knew temptation would be there - especially because it's snowing...
  • hi. i'm 60 and need to lose at least 20 lbs. minimum, but i need motivation. i'm always go to my iphone when i feel like cheating to busy myself but of course that doesn't work because i'm still overweight and feel uncomfortable. joined the edge fitness so i can do some zumba when i get used to doing cardio. it's so hard…
  • hi. i'm striving for 1200 calories a day as well. i'm 60 and HAVE to lose up to 20 pounds. AND, i need to work out - just joined the edge fitness club because i want to do zumba. so, i would love to give and get motivation.
  • did you start that yahoo group? and, if so, how do we access it? thanks
  • ooh, i like that. i should also make a pact to do some scrapping for a certain amount of time. i also munch at night. i've been unusually hungry lately - it shows in how my weight is going up.
  • i think it's a great idea.
  • Thank you. Love scrapbooking and have grandson to scrap
  • love scrapbooking. looking for friends to keep my mind on scrapping and not eating. have many projects in the works that need finishing. i'm 60 and have my first grandchild on the way - so i need to focus.