mkimble05 Member


  • I was 24 when my doctor wanted me to get a full hysterectomy and I refused to do it. I found a endocrinologists far away from my home but she was able to remove my cysts for me at that time. She suggested I try and have children ASAP & put me on Clomid for a 6 months. However, it didn't work for me and I took myself off of…
  • Do you happen to have any fast ideas for meals following this? I already don't eat meat (other than tuna & shrimp). My problem is I wake up at 4am every morning and don't get home till around 6pm ever night. Im constantly on the road and I have a really hard time not stopping in for breakfast every morning at dunkin,…
  • I just ordered mine today so hopefully it will be in fairly soon! Nervous 2 start it though...