Coming4U Member


  • If you think you can do it you are right and if you think you cant you are also right. Your body goes in the direction you are pointing it. Take everything 1 day at a time and put your past failings behind you.
  • ^that lol I only count intentional exercise, not part of my normal daily routine. If it is what you normally do, it is already part of how your body functions etc and calculated into your basic MFP setup that figures out our calories etc.
  • You don't truly know any long term side effects for it in the future. I personally feel its another "quick fix" We didnt get fat overnight we wont get healthy overnight. It does not teach you how to eat right, work out and be healthy....only how to get thin fast. So when its still will not have learned how to…
  • ^Exactly that!
  • I used to do them before and always enjoyed them. I need to give them a try again. As long as you are moving then it is a good thing.
  • Love reading these thank you. I love quotes myself. I see some that I love already listed.
  • ^exactly! People are just concerned for you based on the things you wrote down. It is cause for high alarm. Of course it is about being out and healthy and living your life. You have solved to extra weight for now, but clearly not what caused you to have it in the first place. I wish the best for you and your health.
  • Kind of harsh but I agree 100%. Just many of your comments and other thread about eating healthy are not in the right frame of mind. To think you have 24 pounds more to loose even shows you need to get in a healthy place with your body. What you did is hard and alot of work but you need to be healthy first and thin 2nd.
  • I think you sould talk to a doctor, nutrition expert etc to help you past some faulty thinking as it relates to foodl You must also get real with yourself and be commited to being healthy not just skinny.
  • Welcome and congrats on the first 5 of many that you lost. You are off to a great start. You did not put on all the weight overnight so dont expect to take it off overnight. It is a gradual process to a new healthy you and the weight lose is just an added benifit. Take it one day at a time. If you look at the total all at…
  • I understand, I really do hate it...when im getting started. Once I get into it etc though it does become a lil easier and not so bad. Like everyone said you have to force yourself and JUST DO IT...and find something you love to do. At the least you like it? or can tolerate it? Think of the big picture and suffer through…
  • As I said previously, I read about this site in one of those magazines. That is all I said. It had nothing to do with the original post that is the hot debate here.
  • This is in regards to your default pic lol You must live in Baltimore or sum crap. lol I feel for you.
  • It was nice of you to post it and it is appreciated. People can take it with a grain of salt and go from there.
  • Kinda funny. I think that is the magazine I read about and found out about this very sight from. I checked it out, joined and am down 25 pounds and plan on going on and on. Without "Women's Day" this would never have happened. Nuff' Said
  • You look wonderful! Congrats on a job well done :)
  • Congrats to you and your remarkable work! I love the pic with the lil jeans on the big ones. You are an insperation to us all and hope to be standing where you are some day!
  • *raises hand* this is me too. I just try to take it one day at a time, do the very best I can that day at making the right choices and know by doing so they will benefit me, I will feel better and as a bonus look better too :) Best of wished to everyone here on their fitness journey. I hope you all get to where you want…
  • So that is why they taste SO GOOD there! I always say why do their baked potatoes taste so much better than everyone else? *sigh* lol
  • That is what I get there and I LOVE IT! I bring my own fat free dressing. I have a couple butter and just watch what I eat the rest of the day. All things in moderation and portion control.
  • Again eat off the skinnyliscious is fatastic and low cal
  • They have an entire low cal menu seperate called skinnyliscious and almost everything on it is under 600 Calories and it is fantastic. I go there alot with great success.
  • Wow I see alot of success here so far. You are all a great inspiration to all of us on our journies :)
  • Welcome to the group! I know it can be hard, trust me, but you can do it! Those who think they can do....those that think they cant are right too. I know it sounds so "cliche" but you gotta take it "One day at a time" If you think OMG I have to lose 100+ pounds its so overwhelming. If you think...I just have to make it…
  • so happy for you! Keep puttin in all that hard work and you will get where you need to go!
  • Im right here with you and that is my goal weight too! I must say though you are an extremely beautiful woman right now based on your profile dont you ever forget that. Now you will be beautiful and healthy :)
  • Actually that depends on the sourece you go to on his death. He wass attributed very high cholesteral and heart problems etc. It was discused by many high profile doctors. And we do need grains etc, that is why God made them. All things in balance and moderation.
  • I would have to agree. We are designed to eat from all food groups for a reason. Even doctor Atkins himself died from a heart attack...because you can't eat like that all the time!! Also see your doctor, perhaps there are other reasons too.
  • Hello everyone. Im new to the group and to this thread. Im Danielle and I need to lose over 100 pounds. I want to feel good about myself and for several health reasons. My Wednesday wish today for myself and everyone here is that we all stay motivated and on task so we all reach what we are working for. "Those who believe…
  • You look amazing. Thank you for sharing with us. Im so happy for you!