

  • I'm 5'2" and my CW is 111 (give or take about .6). My GW is 105. I'm happy where I'm at, but it's just something to shoot for. I was kind of hoping for 105 so that if I fluctuate or have a bad weekend I'm still happy with my weight, but I know I need to get it back on track.
  • I don't buy halloween candy (sorry trick or treaters!). For Thanksgiving, I plan accordingly, and the holiday meal is the only meal of the day. I usually don't get seconds on anything and I portion my plate with as much veggies and salad, and the rest is smaller portions of the vegan-turkey and stuffing and such. I let…
  • Hi ladies - Mk - great job on being so close to your goal! That is awesome! Mcbutt - (that made me lol by the way ) that is awesome! your losses are great,. even with a calorie gain! I definitely work out - I do circuit training 3x a week, getting into kickboxing about 2x a week and I try to run 2 miles every day (doesn't…
  • Yeah it definitely sucks! Looking forward to being friends :)
  • Aw, I'm looking for the same. Hopefully we can do this together :)
  • I really needed to write this out today. Ok, I admit it, I had a binge. Date of binge : June 29 2013 Time of binge : 9:45 pm Location of binge : Couch Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Laying down Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Alone Approximate calories consumed…
  • Wilmington!
  • I love love love my gym (the YMCA) because it offers so many great classes, but I have to admit, I want in on the cult. Crossfit sounds like so much fun!
  • I used to be one of those people that sipped breakfast, and it made me eat worse all day before I started the day hungry and would just keep snacking or eat a gigantic lunch! I know the OP says there's just weird hours with his work schedule so I would suggest fruit, dry cereal, toast, maybe one of those small granola…
  • Weekends are hard for me too, because I eat at odd times or eat out or drink out more. I try to keep myself honest by doing two official weigh-ins - Friday and Monday mornings. That way, I weigh in on Friday morning and I feel good about my loss going into the weekend, and all weekend I think - I gotta keep doing well if…
  • I truly stick to water - except for when I drink of course! Then it's beer or wine. I used to drink coffee but I cut that out. I never drink soda - it's so bad for you and not worth it. Occasionally, I will have a hot chocolate in the morning at work if I am freezing.
  • I don't have them often, because I try to stay away from processed snacks - but I do love that lemon zest flavor. I've packed them as a go to on plane rides or long car rides.
  • I love this topic! I think for me it depends on if it's a good workout or a bad workout! If it's bad, I keep checking the time - how much time do I have left? And I keep reminding myself why I'm doing this - but mostly I think about how I want to quit. :( Luckily those days are far and few between! Mostly it's a good…
  • Great job on the soda! I know how hard that can be to get rid of - but really you are doing your body, mind, teeth ETC a favor! I wanted to help (or at least throw out what's worked for me!) with Question 7. I am vegetarian and I was having a hard time ever meeting my protein goal. Now I ALWAYS make it, and it also makes…
  • I'm vegetarian and even I don't love ALL the vegetables! :) I tried beets recently though - which was my #1 hated vegetable. It's not as bad as I remembered, but I still don't think I"ll go out and buy beets anytime soon. I had brussel sprouts once and didn't like them - but I think I need to try them again. People are all…
  • I gained 10 lbs on a 5 night cruise - right when I had hit my goal weight too. You definitely have cause to worry - but here's the thing - you're making a plan, which is AWESOME. I did run once - but obviously that healthy path didn't continue for me. I got lazy. You can do better. There is a gym and a running path, and…
  • 5'3", barely. I just started at 136 and wear size 8 pants. Back when I was down to 115, I was at a size 4.