

  • Thanks everyone for the responses!! They are a great help. I'll definitely take everyone's advice here. I wanted to give my thoughts on each comment but I got a lot more responses than I expected. Maybe I'll be able to give a positive update in the next month :))
  • Sorry, I misspoke. I know you can't target fat. I do understand however that the right workouts and body movements can help you skulpt certain areas of the body. My topic here is clearly to seek help because, at least from my standpoint, I'm facing a dilemma. I want to slim a certain area of my body without…
  • I never even thought of the Tracy Anderson method. I can't say it's not the firt time someone has suggested Yoga but I feel extremely awkward doing it. I would really have to do it from the comfort of my own home. I'll look into both or try them alternatively in the morning before work. Something is bound to work
  • If I lost the weight everything would look better but thanks for that comment. I'm looking for advice on targeting my leg fat. You're clearly not the first person to tell me to loose weight.
  • I have never tried either. Mostly from embarassment. I'm extremely self-conscious of my size when exercising. (5'8, 207lbs)... but I may start with pilates or Yoga in the morning before work. Thank you! :)) P.S Sorry about the million typos in my post.
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