

  • Welcome to my world... I lost 30 lbs some time ago, but it all found me again.
  • SW: 164 CW: 163 GW for May: 160 UGW: 138-140 This is my first interaction as I am just getting back in the groove after breaking my ankle. I think I need some sort of support to stick with the program. Help.
  • I agree with Rogus--it is not cheating if you plan for it. I recently went to a wedding downtown in a large city at a fancy hotel and I drank several glasses of wine and ate most of the dinner. I tried to eat light during the day and also walked that morning but these occasions arise and life is too SHORT not to have these…
  • Hi Sarah, My sympathies on the plateau. I was stuck for about 6 months but seem to have finally overcome that by ditching my former diet plan and just using my fitness pal instead. I believe the extra activity (biking and walking) this summer has helped and the change in diet. So far as winter goes, I just figure out a…
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