

  • Thanks Janei - that's really helpful :) I've found where to set my own calories on MFP, so for now I've knocked it up to 1600. Not quite the 1800 TDEE thinks, but more than my 1200. I'll see what effect that has and go from there. I think I prefer eating around the same calories every day, rather than each day being…
  • Ok - so far, so good. The MFP app is working well (and I've not found an Aldi food yet that cannot be scanned!), and pre-logging certainly seems to be the way forwards, if I can just stick to it. I have a question though - my TDEE is 2333 (-500 = 1833 to lose weight), so I can have around 1800 calories a day. MFP however…
  • Thanks for the advice - I guess I need to start making more of an effort to find the time to log in food - pre-logging certainly sounds a good idea. I'll get the MFP app too - do you know if it will scan Aldi barcodes? That's one of the issues I've had before is that 90% of Aldi foods weren't in the database, so everything…
  • Thank you so much for your replies - that's really helpful! I did log all my food for a while, but with a busy day job and not much time in the evening it became a real challenge to find the time to log things, and I eventually gave up. Now I just check the calories of what I'm eating, and kind of sum it all up in my head…