

  • Hi everyone. I am 41 years old and my height is 4'9". I had RNY in December 2005 starting out at 250 lbs. I lost 138 lbs in 12 months and had the skin removed. I thought I looked good, and I felt great. Some people told me that I had lost too much. My doctor told me he didn't want me to gain anything over 140 lbs. My…
  • Stick with it, although you may not see the pounds coming off, your body is becoming healthier, and its shape is changing. Muscles are becoming stronger. If you haven't done it already, tape yourself. Measure your waist, legs, bust and even your arms. You will see changes on these areas, and in the way your clothing fits.…
  • I do both. I usually pre-log my lunch and snacks for work, so I know how much to take with me, and when its gone its gone.