jodesterlyn Member


  • I have PCOS and I have been struggling to lose weight and not gain it :( What are you ladies finding is the best diet or lifestyle changes? I have a son and we have been trying for over 4 years for a second baby...
  • I would like to join the group but I can't seem to find it, I searched under "fit for future families" can you please help me find it?
  • Congrats on conceiving!! Does the Metformin help with weight loss? I have read a little bit about it...I have also thought about trying low carbs but I know myself and I don't think I could stick with it.
  • I am glad I found this! My hubby and I have a beautiful son, it took us 2 years to have him with the help of surgery and clomid. We have been trying for a second baby for 2+ years and I am sick of taking clomid with no results and decided it is time to lose weight! I would love to lose about 40 lbs but I am taking it one…