adcbing Member


  • I am in the same boat. I know I don't eat clean - I have a toddler at home, I work full time and I am a doc student too - but I measure everything and enter my own recipes and still struggle quite a bit. Then I post a loss - and then it goes right back to where it was for the next 2 weeks and then the next loss is really…
  • and type of workout for me is Insanity. I hate it so much that I love it!
  • Yup - no matter how painful, early morning is the best bet. Every time I tried to make myself workout at night, I just couldn't do it. And I wanted to spend some time with my partner after our son went to bed. So for me that means a 4:20am alarm clock - take care of the dogs, workout, shower, clean up the kitchen and put…
  • I need some help and motivation too! Last fall I dropped 22lbs on here. Over the holidays and this year I gained about 10 back. I used to feel pretty OK around 175 but my goals are around 130. I am having a harder time having anything come off this go around and I just upped my calories from 1200 to 1400. Friend me if you…
  • I did Insanity and watched my calorie intake. In about 2 months I dropped 22 pounds. I too have fallen off the wagon and got back on this week. Back to Insanity and back on mfp. I made a couple of changes this time to make it all more sustainable for life. Insanity is hard work - but you HAVE to make yourself do it all.…
  • I agree with the post about the HRM and the eliptical. According to mfp, I would be burning more calories on my eliptical than doing Insanity. Knowing my body, I can tell how hard I am working, and running on the eliptical for 45 minutes is nowhere near as difficult as Insanity. My HRM is in the mail now! Also, we all…
  • I am starting over - today actually! I was down 22lbs and I took a 3 month hiatus only to gain 13 back! What I have realized is that I need something to keep me honest and keep track. BUT - that being said, I found the longer I was on this before, the more frustrated I got as things slowed down. So I stopped weighing…