pammy359 Member


  • My calorie intake for the day is also 1200. That's for me to lose 2 lbs / week, and I want to lose 20 lbs also. It certainly keeps me aware of what i'm eating and makes me want to workout so i can eat more.
  • Hi everyone,,,,,what a great site this is. It keep me motivated and running. I started running just over a year ago. I went with the C25K program...never thought I was a runner or could do 5k without fainting. I had to take a break over the winter with my bad back..but I'm back at it and did a colour run this summer...lots…
  • feel free to add me too :) It's always good to have lots of support and encouragement. I am 54 and need to lose 20 lbs. This site is amazing, and being able to log everything you eat helps so much. I love that you can exercise and see the results on paper right away...and know you can eat something if you want. It's all…
  • Pam Wilson 54 years old 3 kids, 27, 26 & 22....3 grandkids, 6,5 & 2. Fitness program: running, hiking, starting P90X Goal: To run a 10 K race, and then work towards a half marathon. To lose 20 lbs To educate & motivate my friends and family. I feel so much better when I'm active and eating healthy, and I want others to…
  • I love my coffee in the morning and I use 10 % cream. It's from a local dairy and it doesn't have Carageenan. It's hard to find dairy products without it, but it's worth the search. You are better off to go with a natural food higher in fat than a low fat alternative. They take out the fat and add sugar.
  • WE all need motivation and encouragement to keep pushing forward to succeed and accomplish our goals. Feel free to add me.
  • I looked for the group Team Unstoppable but nothing came up in my search???? Is that the username?
  • Add me, I've been here before and back now. I love this app, it keeps me on track and aware of what I'm eating everyday. I love to motivate and encourage others. I've always been a healthy eater, but at work we snack too getting on board with the girls at work as well.