

  • 7 cals per gram is for pure alcohol. An 80 proof drink is only 40% alcohol. 40% of 7 is approx. 3.
  • Okay, okay... I reluctantly put the stuff about my schooling in my last post, only so you would know I'm not a total idiot just spouting off. It doesn't matter what your education background is really, although yours is quite impressive. I concede that I am quite possibly wrong. I just want to know how they do it, since it…
  • This site also mentions the zero-calorie vodka. I still can't understand how they make it zero calories unless its non alcoholic. If anyone ever finds out more about it, please post it! Thanks, Createsure
  • Lipids (fat, etc.) contains 9 calories per gram. ALWAYS. Carbohydrates and protein contain 4 calories per gram each. ALWAYS. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. ALWAYS. This is common knowledge (in the nutrition world), and is a hard fact. It is not disputed. Alcohol, although containing no nutritional value, does…
  • Ok, please settle this for me icandoit. I cannot find it on CNBC anywhere. Can you? Please post a link to it of you can. A search for "vodka" on Nov.9 revealed nothing. I've done multiple searches now, and I don't know what else to try. Have you seen the bottle at the bar you go to? Is it possible that the bartender has…
  • By the way, I am so sure about this being wrong I actually called the 2 phone nubers listed on the "article" about the zero-cal vodka. One of them is disconnected and the other one rings about 5 times and then hangs up on you. Not that this is proof of anything, but can anyone come up with ANYTHING concrete on this other…
  • Icandoit: Where on CNBC do they have anything on it? I just went on and did a search for "Smirnoff", and the story did not come up (although a few other smirnoff related news articles did) I then did a search for "Nicholas Sorenson", the purported CEO of Smirnoff, the one who supposedly appeared live on CNBC, and…
  • Good point!
  • Hi Connie Lynn, I just started this site (and my diet/exercise program) 3 days ago. So far it's going good, but I find myself hungry between meals too. I just remind myself that if I'm feeling hungry, I'm burning calories. As for your calorie defecit: I am a 30 year old man, I weigh about 205 currently, and want to drop…
  • By the way, vodka has about 65 calories per shot. So, if you're mixing it with zero calorie beverages, it's not that much anyway!
  • I agree... just count the calories. I have a beer a day, and it's only about 150 calories. The trick is limiting yourself to just one and not getting carried away.
  • I'm almost positive that this is a mistake, and here's why: 1. Alcohol contains 7 cals per gram, NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. Do a Google search for zero-calorie vodka and only one source comes up. It's the one that the original poster (icandoit?) copy and pasted from, and it's an error. Here's the link:…
  • As do I... if I remember correctly from my Nutrition class, pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. So if your getting drunk, your taking on calories. I have heard of no-calorie vodkas, but it makes you wonder.
  • Hi, Welcome! I have a suggestion for sugar cravings: I have a weakness for sweet things late at night, and I have recently been eating fruit when I get these cravings instead of something worse. (An apple, dipped in a little cinnamon with sugar is VERY satisfying, and much healthier than the alternatives).
  • Muscle weighs more than fat. Unless your clothes are getting tighter, don't sweat it.
  • I totally agree... If you absolutely have to go to fast food, get a salad (watch the dressing!) I just wanted to comment on people who are supposedly dieting, but still frequent fast food places regularly. Changing your diet, your body, your habits... it's about change. Change to a healthier lifestyle. I am an adamant…
  • Hi Connie, I think the calculating of calories for a person can vary greatly depending on your info source. I may be wrong about that, but my guess is that you should be using these numbers as estimates. As for your concern about not being able to cut that much, you are right. You don't want to be trying a diet that you…
  • Well, I'm avoiding red meat and cheese because of fat content, not protein. I was just using that as an example.
  • Haven't you heard? A bagel is worse for you than a donut! By the way, if you are serious about dieting, I would suggest never going into a Dunkin' Donuts or any other fast food chain ever again. You simply can NOT get healthy if you eat like that. Try a natural food store next time.
  • What foods are you eating that are so high in protein? Perhaps you need to cut back on meat consumption. For me, cheese and read meat (particualrly hamburger) are my downfall. I'm going to stay away from red meat all together for a while and try to eat next to no cheese. I suggest to you finding out what foods you are…
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