Is Kristina going to send out an email for us to sign up for times?
Sorry, a little goal is to always reach my step goal.
I was just reading an article. I get that at the end this is ultimately an advertisement for a cookbook, but can you please comment on the content?
Another way would be making recipes that include lots of veggies. For instance, I have a turkey chili recipe that has tomatoes, kale, zucchini, etc in it. Also a recipe for suasage veggie hash that has pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, and zucchini. Both are SUPER tastey.
My goal for this week is to hit my 10,000 step goal every day. I wanna see my fitbit do its happy dance!
I currently do circuit training 2 days a week but will attempt fast/slow walking on in-between days.
My goal is to have a homemade protein shake each morning for breakfast. (have the recipe saved on here). Also to drink only water and black coffee for the week.
My goal for this week is to make my FitBit dance every day (>10,000 steps). The Heart Walk yesterday definitely helped with that. :wink: