

  • :tongue: Apparently Im not absorbant. HAHAH - no really - I am low and they have been pumping it into me by the megadose. The Doc just didnt want me to do something that would be counter productive to what they are doing. I think the last diet i was on two years ago was the reason my blood work is in the shape its in. 3…
  • I was just thinking that! I do think the more you do to make it a priority in your good idea and keep up the good work. Maybe I will start one also. Someone said they just print out their MFP food log rather than writing in the book. Do they allow that? Im an accountant and I really hate writing things out by…
  • One Coach is like yours, the other is strictly by the book. I called my gastroenterologist and asked which he preferred. He said the Psyllium should be fine as it isnt fiber or carbohydrates, in fact you dont digest it at all as it shoots straight through you to clean the pipes. He said the cleanse is fine, however i need…
  • I know, my coach told me that too and everything you cant remember, neither can I. I need to get over thinking I know better and keep an open mind and do what the plan says, not what I think. Yesterday was my first day without diet coke :explode: everyone seems to be taking a very wide berth around my office!!!! It will be…
  • I blogged with a girl yesterday that has lost over 100 pounds over a year and did not use it once. They suggested it yesterday when i weighed in and talked me into it. I thought it was expensive for 3 bottles of pills that you take for a month. I dont think i'm going to use it unless I absolutely have to. Also, in the box…
  • :flowerforyou: Yay! Peanut butter? Really? i will have to look. Are you going to incorporate it into your dinner or how are you going to use it. Frankly, just a spoonful would help. I just finished my fourth week weigh-in and have lost not quite 16 pounds. But with the first week -9 I'm not quite there. I had been cheating…
  • I am in the same spot you are! I had a great first week and then just a tiny bit for the next 3. I have been cheating on Diet Coke, no more though. That has to be the difference as I didnt drink it the first week. I also bought Ketosis strips to help keep myself honest. If they dont turn the lovely color they are supposed…
  • Thats just it. I've been trying to lose weight since college and havent acheived my goal, so i'm thinking I need to keep a more open mind and change how i do things so I'm not self perpetuating things here. I'm also giving up diet coke today - so maybe the daily scale too???:noway:
  • I know I should not weigh daily but its addictive, except for when it goes up!!! It seems like if I weigh weekly, Im pleasantly surprised, but if I weigh daily I notice the day to day flucuations which arent always good and then it seems I'm never at my lowest on the day I have to weigh in. Do you all notice that? Is it…
  • I've had 2 discouraging weeks (been on a total of 4), so they recomended I try the detox.I will start it tomorrow. Let me know how it goes and i will do the same?:happy: I've lost a total of 16#s in 5 weeks and should not be whining but it seems so restrictive for todays -2...i know, quit whining!!!!!