10yearplan Member


  • I track my miles with a very inexpensive bike computer. They range greatly in price and you can get them wireless or wired. If all you are looking to do is track miles and give you an idea of time and mph, you can get one for around $30 or so. Then you can plug that info into something like MapMyRide for more details.…
  • Please allow me to share my story... hopefully it will give you all motivation NOT to quit riding! In July of 2011 our family walked into a local bike shop with the intention of getting 4 new bikes (we did this because our daughters had outgrown their bikes and decided to make it a family affair since for over 18 years, my…
  • Awesome... what have you done / what are you doing to lose and keep yourself motivated??? Please share your secrets! :wink:
  • I'm 5'3" with about 60 more pounds to lose. So far I've lost 87 pounds. I just want to add that WE can do this! My mantras have been "Slow and steady wins the race, just keep moving" and "Everything in moderation".