

  • They have a new one! "Zip™ is also rain, splash, and sweat-proof"
  • Exactly- don't wash it!! I love my FitBit Ultra, it's on me nearly 24x7. I'm detail-oriented, so the charts really give me something to analyze. Sync your Fitbit to MyFitnessPal, and make sure you enter *all* your data into MFP. The only data I enter twice is my weight/BMI. Have fun with it and challenge yourself :)
  • Awesome!! How does it feel? Imagine what you'll feel like when you hit that goal!! :)
  • I'm diabetic, and got these suggestions from my Tricare/Triwest (insurance) dietician/coach: Less than 10 grams of carbohydrate · 2 stalks celery, 4 bell pepper rings, cucumber slices with 2 tbsp. onion dip · String cheese (1 oz.) 10-15 grams of carbohydrate · Almonds or peanuts (½ cup) · ½ cup Cheerios and ¼ cup milk · 1…