IHuldal Member


  • It's not been active for a while, not sure what's happened. I don't know about another BBC board, if you find it let me know. I also need to be held accountable so you can add me as a friend if you like? I'm not sure how often I will get on here after I go back to work at the end of November but right now I'm very focused…
  • Please count me in, I need to lose 19 to get to my first goal weight of 140 lbs before my 40th birthday in Feb. This would be excellent motivation to keep me on track and if I lose 20 before Christmas then even better :) Current weight - 159 lbs Goal weight for Xmas - 139 lbs What does everyone do for workouts?? I'm…
  • Hey everyone, I'm happy to be able to join your group, I really love Fitness Pal and would like to join a supportive group. My third baby has just hit 3 months and I've lost the baby weight but need to shift the pounds I piled on before getting pregnant. My ultimate goal is to get down to 130 lbs but I'd like to get to 140…
    in Goals Comment by IHuldal October 2012