Soxgirl97 Member


  • The biggest thing that's helped me with food is making sure I don't have junk food in my house. If it's there I will eat it. It's like I have no self control. The other thing that's really helped is meal planning. I'm still trying to get into the habit but I do much better if I plan my meals ahead of time. I try to make a…
  • I'm so glad I found this forum. It's great to be able to talk to other people who have gone through this. Thanks for all the input!
  • I'm only about 6 weeks into my journey and I've lost about 7 lbs but I already have something to add! I have not had a problem with acid reflux since I quit fast food and started eating healthier. I used to wake up at least once a week with horrible acid reflux. It was miserable. Now if I have it at all it's very minimal…
  • Thanks everyone! I will keep on plugging away at it. I have noticed I feel better about myself and I have more energy. I actually like doing the DVDs which makes a big difference. I have my calories set at 1450. That's an amount I can stick to. I'm ok if it takes a long time to lose the weight. I didn't gain all the weight…
  • It is so hard!! I crave junk food during that time of the month too. I try to find something sweet that won't blow my calories. I love strawberries and whipped cream. Angel food cake isn't too terrible in terms of calories but if I baked a cake I'd eat the whole thing. Lol. Or you could dip a few strawberries in dark…
  • I have the same problem. If I'm at home I don't have access to junk. I do not buy it. I struggle when I'm away from home. Yesterday I had a really rough day. I'm dog sitting for my mom while she's out of town and she has a bowl of Easter candy. I ate way too much of it. But you know what? I logged it all. And then I put…
  • Thank you for asking this question! I hate my butt. It's so big and flat. I am hoping as I continue to work out and lose weight it will look better.
  • You look amazing! Thank you for sharing your story with us. It's inspiring to read stories like yours. I'm at the beginning of my weight loss journey and sometimes I really need the reminder that it can be done.