

  • I have been using stevia for about 10 years and I like it. I use it in my smoothies and I get plain low or non fat yougurt add a packet and I have dessert. Or I sprinkle on certain fruits like strawberries. I think it is much better than the other sweetners in the market because it is natural. Most of the others have been…
  • Don't feel bad. I joined at the beginning of August and did nothing until last week. It is not easy to start a weight loss program when we have been eating everything and anything, including the kitchen sink unti, now. However, we can prep ourselves little by little in order to get the in the right frame of mind to start…
  • Hi Talena, I would love to be your friend!! I don't know how it works here but I suppose I send you a friend invitation???? I will do that. are from Texas!! I lived in Houston for 13 years way back when and my daughter now lives in Houston with her two little girls. I loooooove Texas. Wish I could move back but…
  • Hi Mama78, Keep fighting girl. That is the only way to conquer our weight loss. Put the stuff in a different place so don't even have to look at it and that way you don't get tempted. Remeber "out of sight out of mind".
  • Hi there, The solution for the temptation to start eating all of his goodies: a cupboard in the garage. He can have all he wants in there and I will never touch it. If it is inside the house, watch out. I'm getting better, though. Since I started this diet my cravings for certain foods have just gone away. I hope they all…
  • Hi Deb, I would love to be your friend. You must be Brittish because of the way you described your weight gain, "stones". I have tried almost anything out there but I must agree with you tha Adkins is one of the best. I don't do the really strick one I do eat vegetables and some fruit to balance my food intake and I don't…
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