trmjnnmln Member


  • Friday fitness: I haven't posted all week because i have had a 30 page paper due so I've been working on that. However I am on day 10 of this journey and I have lost 8 lbs. I am pretty excited about that which makes me just want to go to the gym more. I weigh myself just about everyday it helps me to see where I am and…
  • HI, I wasn't around for the weekend but I overall I didn't do to bad. Monday check in: Weekend was busy. I didn't get any actual gym exercise in. But it was pretty hot so any movement was exercise. I did good with my eating and water intake too. I lost 2 lbs over the weekend so I'm pretty happy with that. It has motivated…
  • Friday fitness: Gym day today. Which will probably be rough since I am fasting but I'm gonna do it anyways. At least I know I will get all of my water in today and then some. :happy: The weekend is full of specific thing that will prevent me from exercising this weekend. But I will remain focused on calories since today is…
  • So I'm new here and this is my third day using MFP and so far so good. I have been keeping track of foods and exercise. My goal is to lose 30lbs. I want to go back in the service and I am out of standards. So.... I need help So for the next week here is what i would like: 1. drink water at least 64 oz a day (I hate water…