

  • I found a box of of green chai tea in the supermarket and it tastes almost the same (if you can get over the light color). I was so excited because green tea is supposed to be very beneficial for those trying to loose weight and I absolutely hate the taste! I just put it in a single cup with boiling water, a packet of…
  • I keep my lunches simple so there is not much to question as to what I am going to eat. I'll either go home and make a simple turkey sandwhich with a handful of baked lays (6" sub from subway on lazy days) or I pop a healthy choice meal in the microwave. These aren't so good if you have cholesterol problems, but if you…
  • Doing weight training with your cardio is highly recommended if you want to loose weight quicker. And you are on the right track! You will be building muscle on top of loosing fat so your scales may not tell you what you want it too. In this case taping yourself will be more accurate to see the progress you are making.