I always wanted to learn to knit and starting knitting 4 years ago. I have lupus and fibromyalgia, so knitting helped me get my mind off my pain. Since then in 2012 both my siblings were diagnosed with stage IV cancer and it has been a roller coaster ride to say the least. Knitting is a great stress reliever, it calms me,…
I am working on a dragonfly washcloth. I have been in a knitting slump also. I haven't knitted in several months. IT IS definitely my therapy. So happy to be making knitting part of my day again.:smile:
You look great!
Can't wait to try this! I love pumpkin. :)
I am Meezermomma on Ravelry.:smile:
Hi everyone....I just joined last night and it is great to find a group that shares my favorite hobbies crocheting and knitting. I have been crocheting for a while, I just learned to knit 3 years ago and I can say I do not knit as fast as I crochet. I live in Florida with my hubby and our "children"(1 dog, 4 cats, 7 birds,…
I am 54, just joined last night. :smile: