68116 Member


  • About 30 minutes. I have the best luck staying away from ALL fruits and Veggies. Potatoes and corn chips and bagels are my go to foods...the less my tummy needs to work- the better. What works one day is not necessarily going to "tummy friendly" the next. Very frustrating! Dairy seems to be another food I stay away from.…
  • Sounds Yummy!! My "go to comfort food" is a baked potato (without the skin of course). Just something about a spud and butter makes me say mmmmm!!
  • I had the same "is it Crohns/ is it UC" when I was first diagnosed. Dr. said I had both...That was frustrating for me since he said to eat more fiber for one and less for the other. Now I had nothing to eat!! I tried ensure and boost when I was at my worst. I will try coloring...sounds fun.
  • Hi all... I have Crohns and UC. I am soooo glad to find this group up and running! Introduction: I am 5'5", 50, and was diagnosed about 6 years ago. When I started losing all my weight I thought it was because I had started exercising. I went from 180 down to 120 in a matter of months. I have been in remission for a…
  • I find that the less my gut needs to work...the better off I am. Potatoes seemed to make my belly feel best. I am not able to fight through diet only. I am on meds and every 8 weeks I get a Remicaid infusion. So far it is working for me. As for pushy doctors...I needed to fire mine and find another. So glad I did! Good…
  • Hi all... I have Crohns and Colitis...UGH!! I had lost 60 pounds with my most recent flare. Nothing would "stick"...so I got used to eating. I praise God that I have that under control...for the moment. I fired my first Dr. and found a new one that is AWESOME!! Since then I have gained nearly 100 pounds. Eating "healthy"…