SatanTheKat Member


  • I ate an entire 'pillow pack' of pepperoni today at work. I shared with two co-workers in an attempt to lie to myself about the actual amount that entered my pie hole. :/ THEN to right what I had wronged after I felt bad, instead of logging the over 840 calories in one snack (140 calories per serving - 6 servings), I…
  • You guys are all so amazing! Thank you for all the positive responses. My sweet tooth is insane. I went on a low carb diet not too long ago and did well except for craving ice cream like nobodies business! And when I stopped trying that old familiar gigantic ice cream bowl was waiting for me with open arms. I live in…
  • Oh man! I hate when I've been eating well and go to stuff a peice of candy or something of the sort into my mouth and you have that 'negative Nancy' near who says...'Oh, cheating on the diet ALREADY?'. Ugh. Way to make someone feel poopy, jerkface. lol