

  • Hi , I am almost 49. I have struggled with losing weight for the last five years with no results. I gain the same 20 pounds back and forth. I went to the Dr. this week to have all blood work done and see if I can figure out why I can not lose weight. Age, I'm sure. Eating habits doesn't seem to affect gaining or losing. I…
  • Hi, I am a massage therapist and I'll tell you what I use and use on my clients. To me it is a miracle remedy and if you use before work outs it prevents the soreness from reaching it's potential and of course after to continue. If you all ready are sore , as you are, it will help heal faster. Epsom Salt is good but Pure…
  • I know exactly what you mean. As long as you remove yourself from the reason you triggered your emotional craving, that is a great start. It is always a struggle to surround ourselves with the right kind of support. Why we beat ourselves up like we do, I'll never understand. (and they say men can't understand women) LOL!…