momma712 Member


  • I was reading through your post and thought I was reading something I wrote that's pretty much where I am !!! Let's all add each other I like to have people who are at the same level and have the same goals as me for support!! I'll be a cheerleader for all of you
  • I don't want to be that girl either but I find having a buddy not really necessary but fun! Maybe I just like it cause I'm a single mom
  • Me to me to
  • I would love some keto buddies if anyone would like to be communicate with each other daily buddies as well it would be great!
  • I'm so glad to have found this I don't have 200 to lose but I do have 145 it's such a daunting task and my husband just doesn't understand he always tells me your not fat when I talk about it but I'm not saying it to be negative about myself I'm saying it cause its a fact. Trying to get back on track from my health…
    in 200 + lbs Comment by momma712 July 2017
  • Have you been working out? Are you measuring what you eat? If you just eyeball it you could actually be eating more than you think. If your working out it could be muscle gains. You may not be eating enough
  • It's actually a group on Facebook but if you want I can give you the guidlines
  • I stick as closely as I can to keto/primal
  • I think that's why the 80 20 thing was brought up cause you have to give yourself some kind of allowance maybe next time try making it yourself
  • I'm gonna add you! I just started doing a 90 day low can KISS (Keep It Simple Sisster) challenge and at first while ur body is detoxing off all that stuff yes it is hard so the first couple weeks it's more of a mind of matter thing but after that it's much easier! Make sure you are weighing what you eat like has been said…
  • I'm already doing a challenge that weigh in is on Monday so I guess it was meant to be! I'd really like to lose 60 by december
  • I used to be like that and I found a good combination of talking yourself you don't need that realising your eating cause your emotions finding something else to do and an accountability partner are very helpful
  • I did talk to my doctor he said unless I'm done having children there isn't much he can do that was with birth control and off it is about the same
    in Period. Comment by momma712 July 2016
  • On August 1st I'm starting a 90 day KISS challenge. (Keep it super simple) if anyone is interested
  • I'm barely still in my 20s lol
  • Do you write down exactly what you eat? Measure it? Sometimes our eyeballing is off. Drinking enough water? Sleeping enough it could be allot of things
  • Although I usually feel better after I workout during my period my cramps get so bad I can barely move sometimes I take ibprofen and tylenol and it barely helps so I figure if I just focus on my eating through that time I'll be ok. Sometimes I do have a slip up here and there but that's to be expected sometimes
    in Period. Comment by momma712 July 2016
  • Sw- 290 Cw- 269.6 1st goal- 259 Tw- 150 Ot bring tears to my eyes to think about these numbers how did I let it get to that how could I care so little about myself to do that to myself. It's sad that 259 is my first goal but that would be the lowest I weighed in 7/8 years since I had my first baby
  • It always feels really good to hear that sometimes I think people just say that to me though I was telling one of my friends the other day that I have been gaining weight cause I fell of the wagon and he said it looked like I had lost weight in my face like WHAT? I don't believe that but ok
  • It makes me so sad to read that beacuse one way I totally feel for you and what your going through and the feelings your feeling but the other way noone should hate themselves. I know for me at least food Is basically an addiction so you have to just know where your starting from take the pictures and weigh in and…
  • Hey guys I have fallen off the wagon majorly I have about 130 lbs to lose it seems so daunting but I would love people who are in the same boat as accountability buddies! Feel free to message or friend request me
  • First off weighing and tracking everything you put in your mouth even water will help so you know exactly what ur eating! Having a support system or a weight loss buddy you can turn to when your feeling down is a big help. Sometimes I will go and look at before and afters cause that's motivating. And you have to remember…
  • i feel i could really use a mentor in this i would like someone who has lost close to the amount im looking for so i feel like we have more in common if anyone is interested please message and or friend me!! thank you
  • Ive done omlets where i did 4tbs egg whites just a sprinkle of cheese then load with veggies tomatoes, red and green bell peppers, avacado, spinach, zuccini sometimes and top with a little salsa and plain yogurt sometimes i even have a piece of turkey bacon its about the same calories and soooo good
  • I do turbo jam by beach body I love it its like dancing mixed with kick boxing and they have a couple that are only 20 min!!!
  • i didnt do so great myself starting weight 242.8 weight this morning 245.4 :( I think its muscle
  • What exactly is the 6 week challenge? Im up for it :)
  • 160 i have a large frame
  • what is this challenge?