Do you do any cardio at all? I'm curious because I'm considering starting to lift weights. You look fantastic! Thanks for posting.
My advice is either don't have your "trigger" foods in the house or buy them in portion controlled packages. Then, I would suggest planning for your late night eating by reserving calories for it.
Fantastic job!
You look great! Awesome job!
Love this thread! (even if it is an old one) I’m 5’9” and 41 years old. I have a large frame and I’m muscular. My main goal for now is to get under 190 and out of the plus size department. After that I’ll decide ultimately where I want to be by focusing on my % of body fat. At my thinnest, when I rocked a bikini body in my…
Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
If you love heavy cream on your berries then enjoy it in moderation. If you're doing so for the sake of needing/wanting to add fat to your diet then you might consider consuming fats from plant based foods: coconuts, olives, nuts and nut butters (make sure they don't have added hydrogenated fats and sugar), avocados, etc.