
  • Today will be day 21, I just got off a cruise ship yesterday, I took my dvd player and did Jillian daily along with cardio glide and bootcamp class on board. I have gained 3 lbs, but I am not really disappointed, I think the food is very salty and I ate dessert on board which I rarely do. I stayed low carb but know when…
  • Finished day 11, I am going on a cruise tomorrow (I know poor me!) Taking the old ball and chain Jillian with me. I have made it this far and I will keep it going, I think just being able to do it for 30 days will be a real accomplishment. Today I did level 2 which I have been rotating the three workout to avoid the…
  • I am on day 10, I have been doing a rotation of level 1,2,& 3. I would consider myself fit but flabby. Now at day 10 I am more on the fit side, especially upper body. Here is some raw truth, I feel like this is the first time I have consistently exercised and not lost my chest. Not sure why but usually at this point I am…
  • Best of luck, I started on the 1st so I am now at day 9 and having some slow in motivation, I have not lost any weight but I feel strong!