Well we got slammed by the storm although not a whole lot of property damage. Power went out Tuesday evening about 8:30 and has still not been restored. It is now 54* in the house. Freezer items are still frozen but fridge items are not as cold as they should be. We had two big trees go down, one at each end of our road.…
Wind is howling here and PUD has issued alerts that there may be downed trees and power outages. They reminded to charge up electronic devices. So far our lights here have just flickered. DD is on her way home. Will be glad when she is safely here. Our horses have both grown thick coats. I hope that doesn't mean an extra…
Good to see you Meg. Sorry about diagnosis for DH. That is one thing I do not like about the electronic medical records. Too easy not to read all of the info because it is not all in one place. I had an anesthetist tell me he was glad I had quit smoking 10 years ago. I have no idea whose chart he had looked at but it was…
MO - I did chair yoga online during the pandemic and did not like it as well as in person at the YMCA. They just started a new class on Wednesday last week because the Monday class is so large. We had 40 people in class yesterday. Two teachers with different styles but both very good. I find it is an excellent workout for…
Lanette - The YM in Monroe is about 10 minutes from me if there are no trains at the time I am going. The YM in Mill Creek is about 20 minutes away. I don't use it often. We had 40 people in chair yoga today. I have been to chair yoga this morning and fed the critters. Need to do some washing of things in the cabin. The…
Does anyone remember if it was Penny at the Pole who cut up 1 pound of veggies each day and then ate them throughout the day? Did she do just veggies or veg and fruit. I really need to include more fresh food in my food plan and was thinking this might be a good way to get started. I was thinking that I might include veg…