It's not. I was organic for 3 months or so and it was expensive, poor quality and annoying to source. Did I notice any health benefits? No, but I guess I am a pretty healthy person. Plus, it's elitist. The vast majority of the world does not have the option of organic eating. The production of organic eating is so much…
Touché ;)
If you notice symptoms without it, could this mean you can be addicted to Coke Zero? Yeah I try only have a can a day but sometimes I have several glasses and it makes me feel so guilty! Because I know it is a chemical and I'd be better off drinking water... My appetite rules my reason when it comes to Coke Zero!
I find that when I don't drink it, I feel the effects of fatigue more. I get my 8 hours per night, but Coke Zero is my coffee. Increased sodium? Is this serious? I guess there's the aspartame argument, the phenanlalanine (spelling?) argument too... But I'd like to hear the effects of these chemicals on a real person,…